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    Natural Ways To Manage Hip Dysplasia In Dogs


    Do you know that your dog may be at risk of developing canine hip dysplasia?


    Although it’s commonly found in certain breeds, any dog can suffer from the disease. On the plus side, there are some natural ways to manage hip dysplasia and relieve your pup's symptoms.


    In this blog post, we’ll discuss hip dysplasia, its associated risks, and how natural treatments such as diet modifications or exercise can help. By managing the disease holistically, you can avoid the need for long-term veterinary treatment options like surgery or chronic pain relief. Read on to learn more about managing this common canine condition naturally and giving your fur baby a better quality of life!



    What Is Canine Hip Dysplasia?


    Hip dysplasia (first identified in 1935) is a degenerative joint disease. It mainly affects large breeds but can happen to any dog. Dog hip dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint. It occurs when the ball and socket joint of the hip don't fit together properly. As a result, they can rub and grind over time instead of sliding smoothly. Hip dysplasia is a painful medical condition that can cause the deterioration and loss of joint function. It is important to note that hip dysplasia is not synonymous with arthritis, although it often leads to the development of osteoarthritis in the affected joint.



    What Causes Hip Dysplasia in Dogs?


    Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease that can be passed down from parent to puppy. Any dog, regardless of breed or size, is at risk for hip dysplasia if their parents have the condition. Other causes include environmental factors such as over-exercise during growth and poor nutrition. Additionally, it is thought that rapid growth can contribute to development of the disease in puppies.



    Which Breeds Are More Prone To Developing Hip Dysplasia?


    Hip dysplasia is most common in large and giant breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes, and St. Bernards. However, small-breed dogs are also at risk of developing hip dysplasia if their parents have the condition.



    What Symptoms Should I Look For?


    Common clinical signs of hip dysplasia in dogs include difficulty rising from a lying position, reluctance to engage in physical activity, an abnormal gait, and various degrees of lameness. In more severe cases, your pet may experience pain or discomfort when touched around the hips. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, don't hesitate to contact your vet.



    Signs and Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia


    The early stages and signs of hip dysplasia can be difficult to detect. The most common clinical signs and symptoms of hip dysplasia in dogs include difficulty rising from a lying position, reluctance to engage in physical activity, an abnormal gait, and various degrees of lameness. In more severe cases, your pet may experience pain or discomfort when touched around the hips, especially during movement.


    Your pet may also display a decreased range of motion in their hind legs or exhibit an unusual swaying gait. Other clinical signs and symptoms that can be associated with hip dysplasia include reduced energy levels, loss of appetite, and general reluctance to exercise or engage in normal activities.



    Hip Dysplasia in Puppies


    Puppies diagnosed with hip dysplasia should be provided extra support and attention as their bones and joints are still developing. Many vets recommend swimming therapy or physical rehabilitation to improve strength and balance, maintain joint health, and reduce pain. If you have a dog at a young age who has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, it is also important to ensure that their diet is rich in vitamins and minerals to help support joint health.



    How is Canine Hip Dysplasia Diagnosed?


    Canine hip dysplasia is typically diagnosed through physical exams, X-rays, and imaging studies. Your veterinarian may take an X-ray of the hip joint to check for signs of malformation or weakening. They may also order blood tests if needed. It’s important to note that canine hip dysplasia can only be definitively diagnosed through X-rays and imaging tests. Treatment for canine hip dysplasia can vary depending on the severity of the condition but typically consists of conventional pain relief, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery.



    Hip Dysplasia Recommendations


    The causes and symptoms of hip dysplasia manifest in different ways and at different rates. Many vets recommend surgery (total hip replacement / femoral head ostectomy (FHO) as the best option for hip dysplasia. However, many dogs do just as well or even better! With natural joint care therapies and supplementation as dogs who undergo surgery.



    How To Manage Canine Hip Dysplasia Naturally


    Prevention and support are critical approaches to managing hip dysplasia naturally. Exercise and diet are top of the list.

    If your pup is predisposed to developing hip dysplasia, feeding them a joint supplement can help prevent the disease from progressing. For best results and for dogs at risk, you should provide them with a natural joint supplement such as NutriFlex Advanced from puppyhood throughout their lives.



    How To Manage Canine Hip Dysplasia Naturally


    Manage weight control and diet


    Effective weight control and proper nutrition are the most important ways to address hip dysplasia and pain relief. Being overweight will put unnecessary strain on your dog’s joints. If your dog already has hip dysplasia, being fat increases the pain and inflammation. For dogs at risk of developing hip dysplasia, being overweight will tax their joints and prematurely weaken the joint structure, cartilage, and ligaments.

    Feeding a whole fresh, raw (or gently cooked) meat diet is the best way to provide the proper nutrients to support your dog’s joint and muscle development. In addition, owners often experience dramatic health improvements when they switch to feeding fresh food or adding fresh foods to their existing commercial pet food.



    Keep Canine Vaccinations to a Minimum


    Giving your dog annual vaccinations has no legal reason or documented health benefit. Rabies is the only vaccine required by South African law, usually once every three years. Most vaccinations for core diseases will protect your dog for a minimum of 7 years and possibly even a lifetime. However, routine vaccines and the use of chemical compounds for pain relief can sometimes cause worse reactions than the diseases they are meant to protect against. Reactions can include developing and exacerbating joint problems.



    Delay or Avoid Spaying or Neutering


    If you choose to spay or neuter, at least wait until your dog has reached full maturity (around two years of age). Allowing time for your pup’s growth plates to close correctly without prematurely depriving them of the hormones they need goes a long way to ensuring healthy joint development. Several studies show that spaying or neutering your dog too soon increases the risk of developing hip dysplasia.



    Maintain Regular Exercise and Introduce Physical Therapy


    Never underestimate the power of exercise to build and maintain muscle. X-rays may show a joint deformity, but they will not show muscle strength. Strong muscle helps support weak joints, like dysplastic hips.


    Strengthening exercises are crucial if your dog is genetically predisposed to hip dysplasia. Walking is the best exercise, while hills (up and down) build joint strength. Hip dysplasia can lead to muscle atrophy and loss, so exercise should be part of every dog’s daily routine.


    If your dog shows signs of joint degeneration, go for shorter walks and look for softer surfaces with grass or sand.


    Non-weight-bearing exercises such as swimming or hydrotherapy can deliver excellent results for dogs suffering from hip dysplasia. During conditioning, water buoyancy reduces the pressure on your dog’s joints while strengthening the muscles and tendons.


    Physical therapy also provides helpful exercises for your dog and usually combines massage with joint mobilisation movements.



    What Are The Best Supplements For Hip Dysplasia?


    One of the vet-recommended supplements for a hip dysplasia dog is NutriFlex Advanced Joint Support Collagen for Pets. This all-natural supplement contains essential amino acids, glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, and other nutrients that support joint health and help to rebuild and repair damaged cartilage. Additionally, the supplement contains collagen, which can improve joint lubrication and help to reduce inflammation in the joints.


    By incorporating NutriFlex Advanced Joint Support Collagen for Pets into your dog's diet, you can help to improve their overall joint health, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve their mobility. This can make a significant difference in the quality of life for dogs with hip dysplasia, allowing them to live more comfortably and happily.



    NutriFlex CannaMax CBD Oil For Dogs


    CannaMax Gold CBD Oil with Curcumin: Curcumin is an active component in turmeric which has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Curcumin delivers anti-inflammatory properties that naturally inhibit the destructive enzymes that cause inflammation, preventing the breakdown of connective tissue without resorting to conventional chemical compounds for pain relief and doesn’t cause gastrointestinal side effects or ulcers.



    Can Dogs with Hip Dysplasia Live a Normal Life?


    Yes, your dog can live everyday life, especially if you take the necessary steps to strengthen your dog’s joints to keep them strong and active for life. Even if your dog is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, they can live an active, healthy and happy life. Providing your dog with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and feeding a natural joint supplement formulated with the correct amount of the proper joint nutrients are vital factors.

    The information appearing on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. Information and products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition.

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