How To Remove Plaque and Tartar from Your Dog’s Teeth

Information at a glance

    Diligently caring for your dog’s teeth can add up to five years to your cherished pet’s life and ensure their precious golden years are happier, healthier and free from the pain and discomfort of dog dental disease.

    While getting your dog to master commands like “sit” and “stay” is a walk in the park for many pet parents, navigating the world of canine dental care can initially seem daunting.

    However, cast your worries aside! – we’re here to unveil everything you need to know about removing plaque and tartar from your dog’s teeth. 

    Our arsenal of tips includes a lighting-fast, easy solution expertly developed for the busiest pet parents, ensuring that your pet’s dental health never takes a backseat!



    Under Siege: The Onslaught of Canine Dental Plaque and Tartar


    Dental plaque is a sticky film containing millions of bacteria that build up on your dog’s teeth every time they eat. Plaque will begin to harden into tartar deposits on your dog’s teeth within as little as 36 hours if not removed.

    Tartar above the gum line can lead to gum disease. Gingivitis is the initial, reversible stage of gum disease in dogs. Gingivitis is characterised by inflammation of the gums, which may appear red and swollen and bleed easily. 

    Left untreated, canine gingivitis can develop into periodontal gum disease, which is often irreversible.

    Periodontal disease involves the deeper structures supporting the teeth, including the bone. Symptoms may include receding gums, loss of teeth, bad doggie breath, and changes in eating or chewing habits.

    Advanced canine periodontal disease can lead to significant health issues, including heart, kidney, and liver disease, necessitating more comprehensive veterinary intervention.

    Knowing how to remove plaque from your dog’s teeth daily is essential to your furry friend’s health and well-being.



    3 Reasons to Remove Your Dog’s Plaque


    1. Save Money and Protect Your Pet!

    Thanks to recent scientific breakthroughs, you can now easily remove hardened dental tartar at home. Before, the only option was an expensive professional cleaning by a veterinarian, which required putting your pet under anaesthesia. With early preventative measures, you can avoid these costly and stressful procedures for your pet!


    2. Banish Bad Doggie Breath

    A breeding ground for bacteria, dental plaque is the culprit behind your dog’s less-than-pleasant breath. Diligently removing plaque from your dog’s teeth freshens their breath and allows you to snuggle closer without needing to brace yourself against the onslaught of unpleasant exhales!


    3. Help Your Dog Live a Longer, Happier Life

    Want to share more years and precious moments with your pooch? Start by cleaning their teeth! Removing dental plaque from your dog’s teeth offers the best protection against periodontal disease. Actively caring for your dog’s dental health promises to add more years to their life, but it also helps ensure their precious golden years are happier and healthier.



    How To Remove Plaque and Tartar From Your Dogs Teeth


    An extended chew session not only diverts your dog from targeting your footwear but also acts as a potent strategy for plaque removal and prevention.



    Selecting Safe and Effective Chewables: A Guide to Dental Health Toys and Raw Bones for Dogs


    Chew Toys for Dental Wellness

    Invest in rubber or nylon toys characterised by their rough or textured surfaces, as these not only provide a positive sensation for your dog’s teeth but won’t cause fractures. If you are concerned about the potential toxicity of materials, gravitate towards toys explicitly labelled as BPA-free, environmentally friendly, or crafted from 100% natural rubber.


    Raw Bones for Plaque Removal

    Raw meaty bones, renowned for their gentle abrasive properties, adeptly wrap around the teeth, effectively removing plaque while simultaneously stimulating the gums. Dogs engaging in regular bone-chewing sessions tend to experience fewer dental issues than non-chewers. Supervision during these sessions is crucial, with a designated area assigned to prevent mess-related concerns. Beyond their dental benefits, raw meaty bones are a rich source of essential minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, along with vitamin D — all vital for strong teeth and optimal gum health.

    Caution: Never offer cooked bones to your dog, as they are significantly more brittle than their raw counterparts and prone to splintering. Feeding raw meaty bones twice a week is recommended to prevent plaque from building up on your dog’s teeth. However, old, dry bones can be problematic, so allow your dog to enjoy a good chew for a few hours, then, while the bone is still fresh, distract your pet and promptly remove it.



    Reduce Carbohydrate Intake in Your Dog’s Diet


    Dogs lack active amylase in their saliva, which means they can’t properly digest and clear carbohydrates (sugars) from their mouths, allowing these sugars to remain and fuel bacterial growth. 

    Many dogs consume diets high in carbohydrates, which essentially means they are ingesting unnecessary sugars. Additionally, the pellet-like nature of their food provides no abrasive action, preventing their teeth from getting naturally cleaned through chewing.

    It’s important to understand that the formulation of kibble or commercial dog foods, which are often high in carbohydrates, is primarily driven by factors of convenience and cost-effectiveness rather than meeting the precise nutritional needs of your beloved pet.


    1. Cost-Effectiveness: Carbohydrates, often in the form of grains or cereals, are generally cheaper than meat. Using them as fillers in dog food helps manufacturers reduce production costs.
    2. Caloric Density: Carbohydrates provide a dense source of energy. While dogs can efficiently derive energy from proteins and fats, carbs can offer additional caloric support, especially for active dogs.
    3. Convenience and Shelf Stability: Foods high in carbohydrates usually have a longer shelf life than fresh or frozen meats. This stability makes kibble more convenient for pet owners to store and use over time without worrying about rapid spoilage.
    4. Binding Agent: Carbohydrates help bind the kibble together, giving it a consistent and manageable shape and texture, which aids in the manufacturing process.
    5. Palatability: Some carbohydrates can enhance the taste of dog food, making it more palatable and appealing to pets.


    Since dogs are carnivores, providing them with a diet that aligns with their natural nutritional requirements is crucial. In the wild, their diet wouldn’t naturally contain carbohydrates. Therefore, to maintain their oral and overall health, offering them a diet low in carbs is advisable. This approach involves eliminating cereal-based dry foods and unhealthy treats like dental sticks. 


    Notably, despite being marketed as beneficial for dental health, many commercial dental sticks contain high levels of carbohydrates and sugars, often listed as the first and third ingredients, respectively. These components do not align with a dog’s dietary needs and can inadvertently contribute to the very issue they’re meant to prevent: the accumulation of plaque on the teeth.


    By consciously selecting treats and foods that are low in carbohydrates and sugars, you not only align with the dietary habits of dogs in their natural habitat but also actively contribute to preventing plaque buildup and promoting overall dental health. 



    Brush Your Dog’s Teeth


    Are you thinking of brushing your dog’s teeth? If not, skip ahead to the next section. Plan for a stress-free toothbrushing experience, get the right supplies and be patient. You’ll need:


    Dog-friendly Toothpaste:


    Using toothpaste explicitly formulated for pets when brushing your dog’s teeth is crucial. These are designed to be safe and palatable for dogs.



    Human toothpaste is harmful to dogs for several reasons:


    1. Fluoride: Many human toothpastes contain fluoride, which is highly toxic to dogs. Even in small amounts, fluoride can lead to fluoride poisoning, causing symptoms like vomiting, drooling, and even seizures.
    2. Xylitol: This is a sugar substitute often found in human toothpaste. It’s highly toxic to dogs and can lead to rapid insulin release, causing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and liver failure.
    3. Detergents: Human toothpaste contains detergents that create foam. Dogs can’t spit out the foam, which can cause them to choke or vomit.
    4. Artificial Sweeteners and Flavours: These might not be toxic but can cause stomach upset in dogs.
    5. Abrasive Ingredients: Human toothpaste can be too abrasive for a dog’s teeth, potentially damaging their enamel.

    Pet-friendly toothbrush:


    The bristles on pet toothbrushes are typically softer and more densely packed than those on human toothbrushes. This design is gentle on the pet’s gums and enamel while removing plaque and food debris. For smaller pets or those new to tooth brushing, finger brushes are available. These small rubber brushes fit over the owner’s fingertip and have soft rubber bristles or nubs. Finger brushes offer better control and are less intimidating for the pet.



    Essential Dog Tooth Brushing Tips for a Healthy Smile


    1. Start Early and Gradually: Try brushing when your dog is a puppy so they can get accustomed to the process early. If you have an older dog, introduce tooth brushing slowly and gradually. Allow them first to get used to having their mouth and gums touched before introducing the toothbrush and toothpaste.
    2. Use Dog-Specific Products: Always use a toothbrush and toothpaste designed for dogs. Dog toothpaste is safe to swallow and has flavours that appeal to dogs. Human toothpaste can be toxic to dogs.
    3. Create a Routine: Dogs thrive on routine. Try to brush your dog’s teeth at the same time each day so it becomes a regular part of their schedule. Consistency will help your dog know what to expect, making them more comfortable with the process.
    4. Reward and Praise: After each brushing session, reward your dog with a small treat and lots of praise. Positive reinforcement helps your pet associate tooth brushing with a positive experience, making them more likely to cooperate.


    Lighting-fast, Easy Solution for Softening and Removing Plaque from Your Dog’s Teeth.


    Are you looking for a lightning-fast, easy solution to soften and remove plaque from your dog’s teeth? Consider giving your furry friend a daily dental powder supplement.

    There are plenty of supplements available in the market that promise to not only reduce plaque and tartar but also freshen breath, ultimately boosting your dog’s dental health.

    Seaweed supplements like DentaMax rank among the top choices, with clinical validation for effectively eliminating plaque and tartar. DentaMax contains a unique seaweed with known antimicrobial properties. When it gets into your dog’s bloodstream, it helps to loosen plaque and tartar. To ensure the loosened plaque is completely removed, it’s a good idea to use gentle abrasives like raw bones or dental toys. These seaweed supplements offer the added bonus of providing extra nutrients for your dog’s overall health. Just a lightning-fast sprinkle of DentaMax over your dog’s food daily is all it takes to promote clean teeth and fresh breath.



    DentaMax Leads the Pack in Oral Hygiene Solutions for Dogs


    • Vet-Recommended, Rapid-Action Organic Sea Alga: NutriFlex DentaMax is a trusted name veterinarians recommend for its fast and effective results.
    • Fights Plaque and Banishes Canine Halitosis: DentaMax works diligently to prevent plaque accumulation while ensuring your dog’s breath stays fresh and inviting.
    • User-Friendly Powder Formula: DentaMax is an easy-to-administer powder that can be sprinkled or mixed into your dog’s daily meals seamlessly.
    • Formulated with Ascophyllum Nodosum (Norwegian Kelp): We craft DentaMax using natural organic ingredients clinically proven to benefit canine dental health.
    • Hassle-Free Alternative to Tooth Brushing: Experience the convenience of providing oral care without the struggle of brushing. With DentaMax, maintaining your dog’s dental health is as simple as a sprinkle of powder, taking only seconds a day!


    Order NutriFlex DentaMax today and witness a rapid transformation in your dog’s oral health!




    NutriFlex stands at the forefront of holistic pet nutrition and is dedicated to elevating the health and well-being of pets across the globe. Our dedicated team of veterinarians, nutritionists, researchers and animal lovers brings together cutting-edge science, innovation, and care to deliver effective, scientifically validated natural alternative pet supplements that make a genuine difference. NutriFlex is more than just a brand; it promises to provide your cherished pets with the premium nutrition they rightfully deserve. Trust NutriFlex because we recognise that your pets are more than just pets—they're family. Their health and longevity are our priority and passion.
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